my move

electrically height adjustable


Dry construction system


Pre-planed dry construction system

M-Block - Kombiblock

Combined wet/dry construction


Wet construction system

Flush plates

Flush plates

Flushing systems

Flushing systems


Built-in furniture


Shower boards

Supporting structures

Supporting structures

Pondus XL

Pondus XL

Spare Parts

Spare Parts

BS+ - Drywall installation system
for subsequent planking

The BS+ installation programme is the universally applicable, industrially prefabricated element system for stud wall and pre-wall installation.

System description

This extensive programme includes elements for WCs but also for urinals, bidets and washbasins, as well as the corresponding elements for barrier-free construction.

Prefabricated elements are even available for special applications such as countertop washbasins with wall-mounted fittings, water meters or urinal electronics.

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For all units, the installer can freely choose between cisterns from different brand manufacturers and determine for himself the type of connection with which the element is to be supplied.


The BS+Plus is the flexible drywall installation system for pre-wall installation or installation in a stud wall. This system is therefore used on construction sites where drywallers are also to be included in the order processing.


The BS+ installation programme offers installers and planners the possibility of creating complete installations in classic drywall construction, using pre-assembled units. Individual solutions can thus be planned flexibly.

Frequently asked questions about BS+

This extensive programme includes elements for WCs but also for urinals, bidets and washbasins, as well as the corresponding elements for barrier-free construction. Prefabricated elements are even available for special applications such as countertop washbasins with wall fittings, water meters, faeces sinks, in-line washbasin systems, kindergarten washbasin systems, sinks or for urinals with a wide variety of releases. There is an optimally adapted solution for every need, whether in the public or private sector.

The system is very quiet, as it is completely soundproofed in conjunction with the new premium wall bracket. The noise behaviour was tested by the Frauenhofer Institute with regard to the requirements of DIN 4109 and VDI 4100.

The BS+Plus is the flexible system which can be used for installation in front of a solid wall (pre-wall installation) as well as in a lightweight wall.

For all units, the installer can freely choose between cisterns from different brand manufacturers and determine for himself the type of connection with which the element is to be supplied.

Yes, all requirements can be more than fulfilled by the BS+ system. Barrier-free WCs and washbasins are being used more and more not only by people with disabilities, but also by senior citizens who do not want to do without a safe, comfortable bathroom.

Our extensive range of spare parts guarantees the reliability of spare parts and the corresponding parts can be easily reordered.

For cisterns, we can offer you a 20-year guarantee for the procurement of spare parts.
guaranteed from the last year of production.

We give you a five-year guarantee that the products we produce are free from material and production defects.

Our comprehensive installation instructions are supplied with the products and are also always available on our website in the download area.

Delivery Programme
Brochure BS+
Flyer BS+
Assembly Instructions
Assembly Instructions

my move

electrically height adjustable


Dry construction system


Pre-planed dry construction system

M-Block - Kombiblock

Combined wet/dry construction


Wet construction system

Flush plates

Flush plates

Flushing systems

Flushing systems


Built-in furniture

Supporting structures

Supporting structures